Ammonia Control
Ammonia is an immunosuppressant, damaging the air sacs and shutting down the immune system in birds, leaving them defenceless to respiratory diseases. Ammonia produces high stress levels and increases mortality rates.
Poultry Wash controls ammonia odour and eliminates its harmful effects on the birds by improving air quality in the poultry house. It can also reduce electrical use caused by running fans in the poultry house.
It is also a great way to clean away adult flies from in and around bird droppings.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are all-natural 'take charge' catalysts, part of a group of organic proteins known as amino acids. Enzymes digest vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats etc. by breaking them apart individually.
Enzymes can be used to replace harsh conditions and harsh chemicals thus saving energy and preventing pollution. They are also highly specific which means fewer unwanted side-effects and by-products in the production process. Enzymes themselves are biodegradable so they are readily absorbed back into nature.
The order of the Siphonophore family Leptocephali genus, Leptosylla is a flea that lives on birds. Visible indication of fleas or mites is aggressive behaviour, constant scratching, reduced egg production, lack of appetite and lack of feathers. The family Ceratophyllidae flea lives on rodents. It is very common that rodent fleas can also live on birds.
The order of the Pediculus family is a small invertebrate parasite. They are flattened and wingless parasites that feed on warm-blooded animals. No flock is ever 100% parasite free. We do not live in a sterile environment so control is a must!
Mice & Lice
Mites and lice commonly travel to chickens, game birds and turkeys via wild birds such as sparrows, black birds and pigeons, to name but a few. Wild birds carry disease and parasites that can be easily transferred to your flock. Rodents also carry diseases and parasites. On both types of carrying hosts, parasites can live for several weeks to months, mating, hatching and transferring to your birds. No farm is immune to unwanted outsiders like mice, rats or wild birds. Mites are related to the tick family. There are 20,000 species of mites known as arthropod invertebrates sub-class Acari (eight legs and two body parts). Lice on the other hand, have three parts; head, thorax and abdomen with six legs. There are one million species of lice.
All Natural Ginesis products are safe and non-toxic when used as directed. Natural Enzymes is not a substitute for medical advice. The operators of this website and those who provide information for this site do not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical advice or services through this website. You should not rely on this information to determine a diagnosis or course of treatment, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a physician or other certified healthcare provider. Natural Ginesis and its UK.distributors, Natural do not make representations or warranties with respect to any information offered or provided on or through any company web sites regarding treatment, action or application of product. Neither Natural Ginesis , Natural Enzymes nor any of its divisions or contributors shall have any liability for the content, errors or omissions in the information provided by this web site. Neither Natural Ginesis nor its UK.distributors are responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this web site. Those with health problems, pregnancy or who are nursing are specifically advised that they should consult their Vet/ physician before using syray or taking any nutritional supplement.
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