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Argan Oil

£ 10.50 each -

  • Argans' saponins (which soften the skin) are is documented over many years of testing and research. It helps to reduce wrinkles by restoring the skin's water lipid layer, and it's alsorgans’ anti-aging properties due to high levels of Vitamin E cools and soothes the skin of itching and inflammation.

    Its ant-oxidant properties contribute to the neutralization of free radicals, Argania spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil


    Cold pressed

    Country of Origin


    Use within expiry date of 6 months. If the natural nut oil becomes cloudy, do not use. Store in a cool dark place with top sucured. Keep out of direct sunlight.

    It helps to reduce wrinkles by restoring the skin's water lipid layer and it also cools and soothes itching and inflammation.

    It has ant-oxidant properties contributing to the neutralization of free radicals.

  • Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (VERY RICH), proteins and minerals

    Argan oil is a complete winner of an oil on the skin, especially saggy skin which is lacking vitality, use alone or blend with other oils to make amazing blends

    Please use Argan Oil with in 6 months of purchase. Store in a very cool dark place If the product as become cloudy please do not use.

  • Argan is not greasy, only a few drops warmed on the fingertips are needed to moisturise and protect the complexion including the delicate skin under the eyes.

    Can be used all over the body and hair daily.

  • The Benefits of Argan Oil for Irritated and Itchy Skin

    Argan oil soothes the skin and alleviates itchiness.

    The oil’s properties protect skin from allergens that may cause itchiness and solves skin dryness by keeping skin moisturised.

    Argan Oil Can Help With Treating Acne

    Argan oil is effective in controlling the production oil produced by the body. When too much is produced, acne usually occurs.

    It prevents redness and inflammation brought about by acne.

    This Argan oil not only reduces acne, but its properties also help in reducing the appearance of ugly scars left by acne.

    Argan Oil for Treating Eczema and Psoriasis

    The unique blend of nutrients found in Argan oil greatly helps in alleviating the inflammatory symptoms associated with psoriasis.

    The same components of this oil act as excellent moisturisers for psoriatic plaques.

    It addresses immunity problems and allergies that trigger eczema symptoms.

    Argan oil, being a wonderful moisturiser, effectively treats dry and scaly skin caused by both psoriasis and eczema.

    It makes psoriasis and eczema more tolerable.

    This oil reduces skin redness.

    Argan Oil, Benefits for Your Hair

    Argan oil properties effectively repairs damaged hair – whether from chemicals or the natural elements.

    This oil is able to moisturise dry and frizzy hair instantly upon application.

    It actively prevents split ends.

    It restores the shine in otherwise dull-looking hair.

    Argan oil can increase hair growth.

    This oil also helps control, cure, and prevent dry and itchy scalp. Use the product with in 6 months expire date and store in a dark cool place with top sucure.This a natural nut product and should be clear in colour.body, lice, parasitic, insects, live, body, clothing, bedding, infested.

    This product is not intended to diagnose treat or cure in a specific time scale. It provides a natural method of relief for many itching skin conditions while offering protection and prevention of pest infestation when used continuously in a daily cleaning and hygiene routine.


    All Natural Ginesis products are safe and non-toxic when used as directed. Natural Enzymes is not a substitute for medical advice. The operators of this website and those who provide information for this site do not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical advice or services through this website. You should not rely on this information to determine a diagnosis or course of treatment, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a physician or other certified healthcare provider. Natural Ginesis and its UK.distributors, Natural do not make representations or warranties with respect to any information offered or provided on or through any company web sites regarding treatment, action or application of product. Neither Natural Ginesis , Natural Enzymes nor any of its divisions or contributors shall have any liability for the content, errors or omissions in the information provided by this web site. Neither Natural Ginesis nor its UK.distributors are responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this web site. Those with health problems, pregnancy or who are nursing are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any nutritional supplement. Thank You!

  • None recorded and as with all carrier oils (except St Johns Wort), safe to use during pregnancy. As with all nut based carrier oils, always use with caution on people with nut allergies.