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Himalayan Pink Salt Extra Fine

£ 3.95 each -

  • Himalayan pink crystal salt originates from the primal seas of millions of years ago, where life began. Dried by the sun at a time where pollution did not exist, Himalayan pink salt is totally pure and contains every mineral and trace element found in the human body.


    • The colour of Himalayan pink salt varies according to its iron concentration. It can be white, pink or
    • Himalayan salt was referred to as 'the salt of kings', due to the fact that it was once only sold to nobility.
    • Top chefs favour Himalayan pink salt to any other.
    • Himalayan pink salt is now commonly used in spas, saunas and steam rooms in a selection of beauty treatments.
    • Himalayan pink salt is perfect for skin ex-foliation and aromatherapy.
  • Mined by hand in order to ensure an optimum purity Contains:

    • sodium chloride (98.35%)
    • magnesium (0.07%)
    • sulphate (0.05%)
    • iron (0.0006%)
    • up to 84 different minerals and trace elements

    Certified organic by "Organic Farmers & Growers", the UK's leading government accredited organic certification bodySummary

    Packaging: Salt crystals in a bag

    Country and continent of origin: Asia

    Product type: Flavour enhancer

    Allergy information

    Do not buy Himalayan pink salt if you have an allergy to sodium chloride or any of the product's other ingredients. Always read the enclosed product information before choosing to eat Himalayan pink salt. Packaged in an area where nuts are processed.


    Check before you order Himalayan pink salt, especially if you have high blood pressure, are taking anti hypertensive medication, are following a low sodium diet or suffer from diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular system and / or kidneys

    This product has not been audited or verified by monitoring regulatory authorities. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and / or disorders. Under UK law only a medical doctor may 'treat' illness and disease with a medical origin.

  • Quantity and Dosage

    Scatter between 0.5 to 2 grams of Himalayan Pink Salt daily, onto your chosen dish or drink. Store in a sealed container, in a cool, dry place.How to prepare sole solution ,to use as a mouth wash or daily drink.

    The mineral particles in pink salt are totally natural and so tiny that they are easily metabolised for the bio - chemical functioning of human cells. Because of this, Himalayan pink salt is one of nature's most effective natural balancers. The best way to experience the profound cleansing properties of salt is to drink sole (solay). Sole is a 1% water/salt solution (the same as our blood, tears and the ocean). In addition pink salt can also be sprinkled over food or directly added to water to aid rehydration.

    To make a sole solution simply add a desert spoon of crystals into a glass jar then fill with water. Put the lid on and leave for 24hrs for the crystals to dissolve. Once dissolved add some more, up until such time that the crystals stop dissolving. At this point the solution is saturated at 26% and ready for consumption.

    Take 1 teaspoon every morning in a glass of water before breakfast.

    To clear infection with in the mouth rinse after brushing the teeth with the sole of diluted salt and warm water, daily until infection is clear. Can be used as often as is needed.

    If you're exercising and sweating a lot, it is vital that you replace your mineral levels as well as water levels to avoid sodium depletion. Using Himalayan pink salt in a weak solution with water is the most natural and effective way of rehydrating your body. A good balance is around a quarter of a teaspoon of salt for every litre of water.

    Just one glass of sole a day brings amazing benefits and has positive effects on your whole being.

    Suggested Use in the bath:

    Run a warm bath, with out any other soaps or bubble bath added. Measure 2 large cupfulls or in a measuring jug add 300 gms to the bath water. Allow yourself to enjoy the bath for 20 miutes.

    Rinse your body with clean water to remove any salt and apply your favourite body lotion for smooth soft skin.

    Important :

    Check before you order Himalayan pink salt, especially if you have high blood pressure, are taking anti hypertensive medication, are following a low sodium diet or suffer from diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular system and / or kidneys.

  • This page is for information purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and / or disorders. Under UK law only a medical doctor may 'treat' illness and disease with a medical origin.

    Reasons Salt Is a Powerful Ally In The Winter.

    Mineral salts give your body the variety of mineral ions needed to balance its functions, remain healthy and heal. With the onset of winter and sudden drop in temperature, many of us fall prey to sore throats, upper respiratory tract infections and skin-related problems. Salt therapy can actually help alleviate all of these conditions, symptoms and more.Too few minerals, rather than too much salt, may be to blame for many health problems.

    However, refined salts hold little weight in terms of healing the human body compared to mineral rich salts. Unrefined rock salt contains more than 84 different minerals. Rose-coloured crystals of Himalayan rock salt, or the grey texture of Celtic salt -- both pride themselves on traditional harvesting, avoiding heat treatment or refining methods. These healing properties have long been recognized all over the world.

    Salt Therapy may Help a Host of Winter Ailments.

    The cold air triggers lot of health problems such as viral, sore throat, sinusitis etc.

    Salt therapy takes the healing properties of salt deep into the respiratory system. It supports and enhance the immune system and provides a natural resistance to disease and reduces susceptibility to colds and flu.

    Sore throat: Sore throats are common in winter and are almost always caused by viral infections. A remedy for a sore throat is to gargle with warm salty water to soothe the throat and the infection in the process. Add 1 teaspoon of fine mineral salt or sea salt to approx. 250ml of warm water, gargle the solution and then spit it out. Repeat 4-6 times a day until symptoms subside.

    Flu: The common symptom of flu is blockage of nasal passage that creates difficulties in breathing. Treat that stuffy nose with warm salt water.

    only rinse when you are symptomatic for the best results.

    Salt-water rinsing helps break nasal congestion, while also removing virus particles and bacteria from your nose. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 250ml of just warm water to a very clean spray bottle. Spray the solution into nostril . Repeat two times if necessary and treat each nostril.

    Sinusitis: The sinuses are cavities in the head,if trapped mucus fills up the sinuses, it can cause a sensation of pressure and provide an environment for the growth of infection-causing bacteria.

    Salt water washes help keep the nasal passages open by washing out thick or dried mucus.

    Dry skin is a common condition and is often worse in winter. Bathing in warm water enriched with sea salt will hydrate and soften dry skin. Mineral-rich salt bathwater can also help turn rough, dry skin into smooth, soft skin. Salt baths taken regularly may help keep your skin soft, always rinse away any salt that is left on your skin after your bath. Also keep your skin moisturised. by always patting your skin dry and apply a moisturiser within three minutes of getting out of the bath or shower to lock in water and your skin's natural oils.