We advise to comb out the lice with a nit comb. To hasten the treatment, you can use a nit comb while using SB Lice & Mite Conditioner (Tip : Ask for our Discreet label option, available on request to use when with others at school, Gym or on holiday) to help get rid of the lice using a nit comb. Nit combs are handy tools that are specially designed to pull out nits (eggs) and dead lice as they are combed through the hair.
Divide the hair into sections.
Starting at the scalp, pull the comb from the roots to the end of a section of hair.
Swish the comb around in a bowl of warm, mixed Lice & Mite shampoo water. This will kill the lice and their eggs; they die quickly without a source of food.
Continue combing each section of hair until all the hair has been combed.
Sanitise the comb by putting it in a dish of very warm SB shampoo water after every use. Lice and their eggs die when exposed to high temperatures for 5 minutes or longer.
Finally its IMPORTANT to wash the person's clothes and bedding:
Use Natural Kleen Green Concentrate to wash pests away in your washing machine. After this initial treatment, wash all clothes, sheets, pillowcases, stuffed animals, and any other fabrics the person has come into contact with in your washing machine adding 40ml of Kleen Green to the compartment of your washing machine while water is running to kill any lice or mites on clothes or bedding, then run them through a hot dryer.
While lice don't live very long once they jump off a person's head, it's still important to wash everything so you can be extra sure someone else in the family won't get lice. To be sure and safe no mites or lice are in other items that can't be soaked in hot water like hairbrushes and hair accessories, place them in a jug with Kleen Green Concentrate diluted with warm water or put them in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. The lice will die without air and food.
For ALL types of mites on your scalp, use SB Lice & Mite Shampoo and SB Conditioner at least once or twice a day. Washing and conditioning your hair before bedtime will bring relief to stop the itch allowing a goodnight's sleep, clearing the adult mites that hide in your hair follicles.
Removeing lice and mites can be a daily process of prevention, protection and elimination. SB Lice & Mite Shampoo it will safely remove the pests and can be used as often as needed. It's chemical free, safe and effective just from washing your hair daily. It is also great to take on holiday, school or gym, allowing peace of mind when in close contact with the public.
When the time or situation wont allow you to take a bath in Kleen Green Concntrate for those problem areas that mites and lice like to settle, bathing in Kleen Green will give you a relaxing safe nights sleep by using SB Silky Hydrating lotion to keep your skin hydrated and soft with added protection daily.
Patience and persistence will pay off to clear the adult mites and bring their numbers down daily for you while relieving you of the itch for sometime.
It can also be used on the eyebrows if you rub gently with your index finger.
Avoid eye contact at all times. For mites in your eyelashes, wipe your eye with a cotton pad soaked in a diluted mix of Kleen Green concentrate morning and evening times but ALWAYS WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. This will slowly clear the area with out harm to your eyes.
In case of accidental contact wash eye with cool clean water.
This method can be followed on other areas of the body if there is a problem with lice or mites.
If you would prefer a plain discreet label to use away from home, please add your choice to comment box at check out.