Tea tree oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied to the skin. However, it is LIKELY UNSAFE if taken by mouth. Ingestion of tea tree oil can be toxic and cause slight nerve damage if used consistantly on the skin.
Supplements Purported to Speed Healing
The following advice is not meant to replace ongoing visits to medical doctors. This is a critical time to maintain a healthy relationship with a holistic doctor who will design a protocol to address your personal sensitivities and individual needs. Please- Also, note that I’m not a doctor. I’m a natural remedies pest control specialist who has consulted with thousands of parasite victims at various stages of their illness.
Colloidal Silver (Perhaps the single most popular natural remedy in the Morgellons community. Nutra Silver is the brand of choice among Morgellons victims, as it is said to be 30 times stronger than other brands. Colloidal silver must not be taken with other supplements unless directed by a doctor.)
A Natural antibiotic/ parasite cleanse -
Easy to make and mix in a dish
Horseradish sauce 1 teaspoon with Garlic paste 1 teaspoon Ginger paste 1 teaspoon and Chilli paste 1 teaspoon add to this
Mix with 2 tablespoons of Mauka Honey or any good natural honey and stir all together.( Cayenne Pepper is good too, just a pinch if you think you can tolerate it).
NOTE: Garlic thins the blood check your meds and with your doctor first if you have health issues of this kind.
Keep this hot and sweet mix can be kept in the fridge covered over and to use as a natural medicine daily.
Take 1 LEVEL teaspoon morning noon and night. Make fresh every few days. Now check how you feel, either carry on or wait a few days and try again. EXPECT to experience die off effects such as flu symptoms as this potent mix forces parasites from within the body out and changes your body odour.
Grapefruit Seed Extract (A hugely popular supplement in the Morgellons community.)
Mega Doses of Vitamin C (This standard protocol for cancer is also popular in the Morgellons community.)
Turmeric (Equally effective in the form of a pill.)
Raw Garlic (Said to be much less effective in pill form.)
Wormwood (One of the most standard, old-school recommendations for the killing of parasites.)
Black Walnut (Also one of the most standard, old-school recommendations for the killing of parasites.)
Oregano Oil Pills (Must be taken with food, as they are quite powerful.)Best quality from
Resveratrol Pills (A great way to swallow the antioxidant powers of wine without all the yeast and sugar.)
Organic Skin Healing Substances:
Cannabis Cream:
Manuka Honey: Another wildly popular treatment for skin lesions
Manuka honey is significantly stronger than other types of commercial honey because the manuka tree contains very high levels of an antibacterial compound called methylglyoxal (MGO). Be sure to choose a brand with a lab certified rating of 15+ UMF or higher. Beware that honey can cause serious reactions in people who are allergic to bees or pollen. If you’ve always been able to eat commercial honey as a topping, there should be little reason to worry.
Oregano Oil:
Highly regarded as a scabies treatment, oregano oil is too strong for direct application to skin. Holistic doctors generally recommend mixing it with a carrier agent such as Argan oil can be found
Thieves Oil:
This powerful oil is a combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary essential oils. You can buy a prepackaged formulation or make it yourself. Plenty of recipes are available on natural health forums. Again, remember that essential oils should not be applied full strength to skin. Mix them with a carrier oil such as Castor oil or Argan oil.
Other Essential Oils:
The most popular essential oils associated with killing bacteria and fungus are Tea Tree Oil, Cedar Oil, Peppermint Oil, Thyme Oil and Eucalyptus Oil. It comes as no surprise that all of these oils are used in various over-the-counter medications, including mouth washes, vapor rubs, acne products and arthritis treatments.
Bentonite Clay:
Bentonite clay is often used in salons for skin detoxification. It is said to draw bacteria and other harmful microbes out of the skin. I once spoke to a woman with horrific complexion problems due to parasites that could often be felt moving under her skin. She was particularly concerned about a cluster of parasites near the corner of her mouth. When several chemical prescriptions and organic treatments failed her, she turned to a daily regime involving bentonite clay and cedar oil. Within weeks, her complexion returned to a healthy state, and she was able to go out in public without feeling dreadfully insecure.
Coconut Oil:
There’s a running joke that natural healing enthusiasts throw coconut oil at every illness coming down the pike and expect it to work miracles that doctors can’t achieve with their prescription pads. On the positive side, coconut oil is powerful enough to heal chronic bacterial and fungal infections of the skin. I would love to report that great numbers of parasite callers have experienced success using coconut oil alone, but it is not quite the miracle cure for unexplained dermopathy involving parasites.
Castor Oil:
Castor oil is said to be particularly effective against parasite eggs, but there are no formal studies to back up this assertion. Still, it’s an amazing treatment for Demodex mites that congregate along eyelashes. Coconut oil tends to melt very quickly and drip down into the eyes, causing a film that’s more annoying than harmful. When applied along the lash line with a Q-tip, castor oil stays in place all day long. No wonder it’s a wildly popular organic remedy for eyelash growth! Also, Castor Oil is good for the hair and skin and less smell too. It is very Safe to use all over the body and in your private areas.